Freeletics, Ron kayame, made with Canva
A healthy lifestyle always becomes a dream for every people, either man or woman because, in order to keep ourselves fit and fullest, we must take care of our health, therefore, many people started to maintain their body by managing their diet and do regular exercise, yet, it’s difficult when it comes to consistency because if they are not consistent in doing it, it will just become a waste, therefore, they need a support system around to keep motivating them to be fit and healthy such as friends or family, yet sometimes it’s not fully guaranteed.
in this era of technology, many things have changed advance, including the way people manage their health because there a ton of applications on mobile or PC that smartly support people to track their journey on achieving their goal of a healthy lifestyle, the app like Nike, Lose weight and etc yet, in this blog I’m going to look at Freeletic particularly as the best app to undertake these days to keep people up.
What is Freeletic?
Freeletic is health aplication that focus on keeping people fit through exercise and diet, this aplication aiming for achieve excellence in life not perfection because they tend to satisfaction not the perfect form, within the application there are certain features that will help the audience to keep themselves while training with the app such as rewarding, community, and Journey etc,
Reward yourself to keep you going
In gamification, there is element call reward and it comes with different feutures such as points or beneficial elements a person got in the game after pass the challange(), this elements was applied to freeletics that will be shown to individual’s leaderboard and through that people may also be motivate to always finish the challenge in order to keep them going to the next level.
Let’s do it together with all the people around
Within the application many things were offered yet, there is a particular section for us to engage with other people who have the similar goal, the section called ‘community’ this special section it’s provided an option to the audience to compete with others or accompany other to support each other to achieve the goal together, according to a book called gamify written by brian burke, it says people get inspiration to do it something, it could also from engegaging with other people either it’s the one that we closed to, stranger who we have the same goal as us, therefore, this features is helpful.
Walk in the journey with freeletics
The journey to achieve healthy lifestyle is not easy therefore, freeletics here to help those who are finding hard to keep it them on track, within the application it will shown few features for the audience to utilize as support system to reach the goal that the audience have set up, one of the important element is Coach, this features allow the users to chose journey with the a real coach or mentor to gain knowledge on how to do proper exercise, yet it comes with the price where the users must pay to subscribe the couch, the benefit of subscribes the coach is for the users to have an individual leaderboards where the audience can see how much they have trained and what trick they have done, which so much helpful to keep them walk in the right track.
Explore things freely with the freeletics
In general usage, freeletics it’s capable in finding the right items for the users to use like the shops that is located inide the app or the exercise movement that is freely open for people to watch it, yet obviously for the shops the users must buy the items separately however, it is worth it to buy in the app because it especially if you’re the members of freeletics because there always be on sale for the members, aside of that, explore with freeletics also easier because the system of the appl will be offering all the options that we need as member to utilize it, like which part of the body that we need to work more on, or what kind of food that we need to eat in order to keep us healrhty.
For everyone to enjoy the convenient of freeletics
Freeletics is aiming for everyone up to 18 because at this age people may have job in order to pay for the members or even more, around the age of 18-45 people tend to look on themselves and trying to become more healthy therefore, freeletics want everyone to have access to this app.