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Creative brand communication #2

Title: Alexa's Body Publicized: 02 February 2021

Agency: Lucky Generals

The new advertisement from Amazon regarding a new product of Alexa which showed transformation Alexa into an actor Michael B Jordan as a speaker of Alexa, with the aim to bringing an experience to live with Michael b Jordan as it shown in this short advertisement.

Originality (4/5)

‘An original ad comprised elements that are rare, surprising for move away from the obvious and the commonplace’ (Reinartz & Saffert 2013, para. 5)

The video based on smart system that Alexa has as artificial intelligence that Amazon has so far, the video visualized the originality of that video which showed by how Alexa supposed to works although in the body of Michael b Jordan so that the point of this ad can reach the audience's expectation and also maintain the genuineness of the Alexa.

Flexibility (4/5)

‘An ad’s ability to link a product to a wide range of different uses and ideas’ (Reinartz & Saffert 2013, para. 8)

The idea of locating a famous actor into a concept of advertisement is commonly used by many other companies but, the difference in this advertisement is that the creative team attempt to change a system into Michael b Jordan ( human) and put him in the house just like Alexa so that the point of flexibility can be achieved, means that Alexa its not only a system but, it can also be friend. However, its missing one point because it's not a girl, as we know that Alexa's female voice, where i think the female sounds its one of the Alexa's branding.

Elaboration (4/5)

‘Many ads are creative because they contain unexpected details or extend basic ideas so they become more intricate and complicated (Reinartz & Saffert 2013, para. 11)

The extension of the basic idea which comes from the girl’s(costumer) intention of buying a new product of Alexa changes to the imagination of the girl after saw a bus with ad that contains a new film of Michael B Jordan on amazon prime, which makes she thinks that she is living with Michael B Jordan as an artificial intelligent who can be fulfilling her desire. Furthermore, the unexpected idea of the producer brings up another advertisement ( Michael B Jordan’s new film ‘Tom’s Clancy without remorse’) which makes it complicated to catch the idea of this advertisement.

Synthesis (2/5 )

The ad’s ability to blend normally unrelated objects or ideas to create an interesting effect (Reinartz & Saffert 2013, para. 14)

This element refers to Alexa that transformed into Michael B Jordan, aside of an elements of promotion (involved a famous person), it is categorized unrelated object between a human being and a system but, indeed in another perspective they are blend perfectly, for example, like in the terms of convenience, the creative team came up with an idea where they change Alexa's flawless and convenience with Michael b Jordan but, it's not really working according to my perspective because the character is a man, if the creative team could bring up a women as well, might be better (equality).

Artistic Value (5/5)

Aesthetically appealing verbal, visual or sound elements (Reinartz & Saffert 2013, para. 16)

Aesthetically, this advertisement provides HD quality which is appealing to the audiences when they watch this advertisement, plus camera placement which makes it aesthetic to see and follow until the end and also not forget to mention Michael B Jordan's voice that is attractive and beautiful in order to catch the audience’s attention.

Reference list

Lucky Generals (02 February 2021) 'Amazon’s Big Game Commercial: Alexa’s Body, Amazon, YouTube, retrieved 5 July 2021. (

Reinartz, W & Saffert, P 2013, ‘How to Assess an Ad’s Creativity’, Harvard Business Review, 21 May, retrieved 1 June 2018, <>.


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