Avozilla ( King of Avocado)

The avozilla is new to the fresh food product category and, aside from some news coverage, there is very little awareness. The product is in direct competition with regular avocado varieties, which have a lower price point. Potentially the concern may arise that a bigger avocado might not taste as good as well-known varieties. It should be noted that Australian consumers are often open to trying to products, i.e. they have a low risk avoidance (Hofstede Insights n.d.).
The new brand of avocado, avozilla, has entered the Australian market. This giant avozilla is five times bigger than ordinary avocado in the market, and it weighs 1,8 Kg per one of these avozilla additionally, the cost of each avozilla is $12 which is equivalent to the size of avozilla and fairly affordable for most Australian(Schremmer 2018) . To establish the story of this new brand, I chose ‘everyman’ out of 12 archetypes. Firstly, the quality of the avozilla has been verified, because the news has written about this massive avocado, and made some reaction videos about it, so the avozilla’s quality was proven good to consume for Australian. secondly, support all the local business here in Australia, this may be on the list of it, because according to schremmer (2018) the avozilla was grown by groves' family which is one of the local farmer, thus, with buying this product, we all help local business to grow. Finally, it is considered as a healthy fruit. The average avocado weighs 150 grams and generally contains 240 calories, or 80 calories per 50g (avocadosfrommexico, n.d). It means, double nutrition in each avozilla although, it seems helpful for any particular condition but, it could be deadly if we over eat it. In addition, With all of this evidence about avozilla, it could attract most of Australian to buy the product.
The avozilla obviously appeals to the customer’s perception by looking at the fact that avozilla has a massive size rather than ordinary avocado, so it makes customers more curious about what the massive avocado tastes like?, additionally, it also cognition because it describes how healthy this avozilla is and also dangerous at the same time.
Target audience
The target audience is Australian in general who love to eat healthy food or those who are on a diet because as it informs the avozilla is much more nutritious instead of ordinary avocado,Thus, it is suitable for adult with average ages among 28-33, because besides being healthy it's also affordable with these average age to buy the avozilla.
Single minded proposition
‘Get bigger, get better, avozilla monster of avocado’
Buy one for the next two days
Avozilla is rich of nutrition
Support the local by buy one of these
Tone of voice
The advertisement should come up with an ordinary man that buys one of these avozilla because it is healthier and cheaper so that, by this ad the audiences may feel in the same situation with this guy and be attracted to buy avozilla (healthier and cheaper)
Medium requirement
Design A4 print and put on website
Social media
Link to the contact
Logo of avozilla
Reference list:
Avocado from Mexico, (n.d) 'Avocado nutrition', avocadofrommexico, retrieved 26 July 2021, (https://avocadosfrommexico.com/avocado-nutrition/).
Schremmer, J 2018, ‘Giant avocados five times the size of a standard variety set to smash the market’, ABC News, retrieved 26 July 2021, <https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2018-07-11/giant-avocados-hit-the-markets/9971220>.