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The birth of new generation ( Clicker)

Banner created by Ron, Made with Canva

What is the Goal of this Video?

We are now living in the new era of technology where people in the world are being manipulated by the media through a system called surveillance capitalism. The formation is simple, Media takes our data - sells it to advertisers- advertisers analyze and process it, then give it back to us as a form of advertisement.( in another side, this new system actually gives people satisfaction by provide everything that we need) Therefore, this video was made to actually open our eyes and see what's been happening nowadays so that the audiences can actually understand and be able to discern between losing our personal data or enjoying the conveniences.

Who is your intended audiences for this video?

Target of my audiences are Teenagers and adults all around the world which their media consumption are around online shopping and active on any online platforms, especially social media( which I called ‘Clicker’ on my Video), their influential by the celebrity on Instagram who always engage on social media and easy to get attract by forms on Online media.

Sources of this video?

Wang, V and Tucker, JV (2017) 'Surveillance and identity: conceptual framework and formal models,' Journal of cybersecurity, 3(3): 145-158, doi: 10.1093/cybsec/tyx010 .

Andrew, J and Baker, M (2018)’ The General Data protection regulation in the age of surveillance capitalism, Journal of Business ethics, 168, Pp 565-578, ( Made with Canva)

Daisy, M (29 January 2021)’Melbourne in 2 minutes drone view 4k’ (video), Miss daisy, YouTuber, retrieved 22 May 2021.

Dean, B (26 April 2021) Social Network Usage & Growth Statistics: How Many People Use Social Media in 2021?’, Backlinko, retrieved 21 May 2021.

Kavena, J (4 October 2019) ‘Shoshana Zuboff: ‘Surveillance capitalism is an assault on human autonomy’, The Guardian, retrieved 20 May 2021.

Zuboff, S ( 21 December 2019) ‘Soshanah Zuboff on surveillance capitalism’, ( Video), VPRO Documentary, YouTube, retrieved 22 May 2021. Made with Canva


Approach to the Video

In my video I used persuasion to invite people to look further in terms of surveillance capitalism and argumentative which is shown for some reasons so that the audiences can clearly understand of with what they are living with and what the strategy to adopt in this system.

I also use a Clicker ( to approach with the audiences )

The keys to takeaway of this video

  • The audiences can be aware of the situation todays regarding surveillance capitalism

  • The audiences can learn something new about surveillance capitalism, not only understand but, they also can be able to apply it in their daily lives.


I personally enjoy using this system because this is how to live nowadays but, what I do to prevent Privacy risk is to limit myself, back to the point that with one click we can be good or bad at the same time so, for advice Limit our engagement is the best prevention to our privacy. ( Randy, Character of this video)

Reflation of how I structured this video


This content is created to share awareness about what is actually happening with our data after we sign up into the google account and how google works to maintain a lot of people's data around the world by a system called Big data, and also show the audiences how big data is related to surveillance capitalism so that at the end people can actually understand and aware of how to live their lives in era of surveillance capitalism.


Planning, this is crucial because this is the key part of a strategy, in my video I planned the story based on the genre of film that I am interested in ( Documentary) , the narrative of the story based on my voice, where I lead the topic through the whole video . Selection of source material, the material of this video are research source, banner and music. I actually make use of the Deakin library to find out about reliable sources that fit with the topic so that the content is trustworthy. Regarding music I use creative commons where I can access all the music freely and legally and some of the benner are made with canvas. Selections of Picture, this part I fully make use of Canvas to make around 10 banners to display on the video, and to keep it strong, I consistently use the same background from the start until the end. Sound, as a person who is concerned with the back sound and tone of voice in a video, I tried to make it better than the second video. This video was made with varieties of the sound like original sound, sound effect and 2 back sound. Regarding to back sound I used songs called ‘Royalty free epic cinematic trailer’ and Blue boi by Luked and about sounds effect I used Click, electric and crowd people. Editing, so, in this section I only put all of the elements that I write above into a brief video format yet, to achieve that I had to spend a lot of time due to put everything properly and structurally. However, one of the difficult things in editing is matching the back sound with the video so that it does not get messy. Furthermore, I did add some important things like text overlay to write several words that are related to the topic.

Lesson and Challenge

In this video I have learned a lot about the surveillance system, especially Surveillance Capitalism , and how surveillance capitalism works on online platforms that we use everyday . In the production of my video I have a lot of issues that I encountered and challenges that I passed. One of the issues is sound, because I do not have a microphone system to make my voice better, but I address this issue by making use of my phone as a microphone and prefer midnight to achieve better audio results. The second challenge for me is talking directly in front of the camera, as a shy person I actually cannot do that but, in this video I have overcome my shyness and try to be confident.

Reference of Music

Blue Boi By Lakey Inspired is licensed under ( CC BY 3.0)

Cinematic Trailer Music Royalty Free by Ionas is licensed under ( CC BY 3.0)


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